Learning to Play

Music is taught discretely following the National Curriculum objectives in every year group.

In addition, children in year 5 ALL have the opportunity to learn an instrument to form a ‘Class Band’. Children can choose from a trumpet, clarinet or trombone, and they take part in a weekly, whole class music lesson with our specialist music teacher Mrs Powlson.

Children are loaned their instruments for the year free of charge and are responsible for ensuring they practise frequently at home, and bring their instruments to school for each lesson. As well as performing as a band within the school to parents and at music celebration afternoons, our school band also regularly perform at the Royal Cheshire Show.

Children from Y2 upwards can learn an instrument through our Create Music Teachers that come into school weekly. Parents can sign up through the Music For Schools company and pay for either individual or group lessons, which take place during school time.

Many pupils take graded exams through this system which is a great achievement and celebrated with the school during our assemblies. Children have the opportunity to perform for audiences as part of assemblies and music celebration afternoons.